On-Location, (mostly) candid photography in Fulton/Montgomery County, New York and surrounding areas.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Project 365....day 62

Today after my girl got on the bus, the husband, little Bickle, (because he looks a little like Travis Bickle from Taxi driver when he wears his army jacket w/the mohawk, of course) and myself took a drive. We cruised for a while, searching for something interesting for me to shoot at today, and on the way out of town we happened across some horses grazing in a field. The minute I hopped out of the car to shoot at them (with my camera of course), they pranced right on over to me, and all but smiled to have their pictures taken! It was amazing, and as you can see here, they were beautiful. Once I'd gotten those shots, we turned back around, sort of in a hurry because I hate to cut it too close to the time the bus drops my kid off...anyway, on our way out of Northville, I happened to see this really interesting chimney...or at least, what I thought was a chimney. As it turns out, this mock-chimney was built specifically for this certain type of bird; the Chimney Swift. You can learn all about the Chimney Swift here. For the record; the birds you can see up on top...yeah....those are pigeons.

Now, if you're a dork like I am, the first thing you're thinking of when you see this is the good feathers on the Animaniacs.

A long-ish shot through the trees at the front of this chimney-bird home.

A different angel on the chimney/birdhouse.



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