On-Location, (mostly) candid photography in Fulton/Montgomery County, New York and surrounding areas.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

We Have MOVED!!

www.saratography.com The website is up! www.saratography.com Come visit me there! www.saratography.com I would love some new followers for my blog there. www.saratography.com. Please join us there, and see what all the fuss is about! &hearts


Friday, September 24, 2010

Project 365....day 235

Day 235 was an exciting day for me; it was my first chance this year to photograph some fall leaves! Fall is my FAVORITE season, for so many reasons, but the photog. in me can't resist the colors. ♥ Here are a few of my favorites.



Project 365....day 234

Day 234....yet another cruddy-rainy day. :( Today we painted...

Project 365....day 233

Day 233 was a really cruddy, rainy one. To break up the boredom, we you-tubed...

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Project 365....day 232

Day 232 was a day for beautiful summer flowers and plants. Here are a few of my favorites....this is the first time I ever took pictures with a certain pre-set in mine, but thanks to Laura at Pretty Presets, that's exactly what I did. (PS. you can view her amazing presets for lightroom here)



Project 365....day 231

Day 231 was a cocktail Wednesday. Every other Wednesday my in-laws take my little humans out for dinner, and my husband and I go out to cocktails with my Grammy. ♥ We all have a great time and everybody wins! This particular Wednesday, after cocktails, we took a ride up to the lake, where I captured my handsome, outdoorsy husband. I just ♥ him.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Project 365....day 230

Day 230 was filled with one of my favorite summer traditions; The Bannertown Fair in Mayfield, NY! It's been a part of my life for as long as I can remember, every August we enjoyed the food, the vendors and the (few) rides you could fit into the Volunteer Fire Dept. lot in Mayfield. I'm so thrilled to be able to share that tradition with my own little ones. ♥

First, Amelia-mazing spinnin' till she was SO dizzy!

Next, both my little humans in disguise!

And last, the beautiful sunset from that night...

Project 365....day 229

So, I've been SUPER busy with summer, and I've totally let this thing go. BIG fat apologies. Anyway, back to school, summer is about done, back to the grind. I am determined to catch up, so away we go!!

Day 229 included lots of summer fun. We spent the afternoon at my Momma's house, and I found a new friend by the pond...


Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Project 365....day 228

Day 228. Rain. Is it a good thing? Hrm....I'm not so sure....

I guess it might be!

Project 365....day 227

Day 227....Gobble, Gobble, Gobble...

...Gobble, Gobble....

Project 365....day 226

So....now I'm like, 20 days behind on my blog, and this is becoming a scary, daunting task. But...I am not a quitter. I have made it 240-something days into shooting this project, I'm not going to give up on blogging it till I'm DONE!! Therefore, I'm determined to get this thing caught up!! And, away we go!

On day 226, my boy was a daredevil!



Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Project 365....day 225

Day 225; The Perseid Meteor Shower. The sky looked like it was falling down on us. It was amazing.

"I would rather be a meteor, every atom of me in magnificent glow, then a sleepy and permanent planet."

-Jack London (1876-1916)

“I see myself as a huge fiery comet, a shooting star. Everyone stops, points up and gasps "Oh look at that!" Then- whoosh, and I'm gone...and they'll never see anything like it ever again... and they won't be able to forget me- ever.”

- Jim Morrison (1943-1971)

“Yeah we all shine on, like the moon, and the stars, and the sun.”

- John Lennon (1940-1980)

Project 365....day 224

Yes....Amelia-mazing, we all see you, and the amazing tricks you do over and over and over

Friday, August 20, 2010

Project 365....day 223

DISCLAIMER: In working on this blog post, I went off looking for a profound quote or two about fire.....instead, I found Jack Handy, and as any SNL fan knows, Jack Handy knows all. I couldn't NOT use this. Sorry.

"If you ever catch on fire, try to avoid seeing yourself in the mirror, because I bet that's what really throws you into a panic." ~Jack Handey

"Life is a flame that is always burning itself out, but it catches fire again every time a child is born." ~George Bernard Shaw

Project 365....day 222

Day 222; This is Amelia-mazing. Watch Amelia-mazing surf.

Amazing, no? How is she doing that in the pool!?

Every time though, she eventually loses it and falls off.

Project 365....day 221

Day 221.....yah....it's a tiny watermelon. I've got nothin'.

Project 365....day 220

Day 220 brought us one of my very, VERY favorite parts of summer! Black Berries!! In fact, we ♥ berries so much, that we have a bucket specifically for them at my Momma's.

Our bounty from the day...

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Project 365....day 219

Day 219 was spent in the back yard....where I captured a couple of photos of my handsome husband. ♥ Gosh, I love this man!


Project 365....day 218

Day 218 brought us my Mother-in-law's 50th birthday party. Here are a few moments of my sweet little humans on that very special day.

My sweet girl!

A close-up on my sweet little man. ♥

Sunday, August 15, 2010

"I wear my sunglasses at night..."

Ok, not really. I do, however, love to enter contests over at I ♥ faces. This week, the theme is "I've got to wear shades", and the minute I saw that, I knew *exactly* what picture I would be entering!! About a month or so ago, my good friend Matt and I went out for my usual every-day picture taking expedition. While we were out, we found the coolest bridge. My friend, being the great model that he is, immediately scaled said bridge and let me shoot till my heart was content. (I have the greatest friends!!) Here is my favorite capture from that shoot. To me, this photo says "I'm a real man-kinda-man. I eat raw steaks, and shave with broken glass, and do.....all kinds of other man stuff." (yeah, that's all I've got; I'm totally a little-sissy-girl.)

For more great sunglasses-filled photos, click the button!

Project 365....day 217

On day 217 we went to my mothers....we played, ate berries, and spent some time with my grandmother; Nana Pat. ♥



Project 365....day 216

It's nearly the end of the summer....that means that the black berry bushes are in FULL swing!!


Friday, August 6, 2010

Project 365....day 215

Day 215 was a fun day for me!! I got to do the second baby-filled session of my friend Shawna's 'Watch me Grow' package (which has also been blogged about here) Here is that sweet girl in some super-fun outtakes! ♥



Project 365....day 214

For day 214 I took a ride, and wound up somewhere between Caroga Lake and Bleaker. (I know exactly where I ended up, but it sort of ruins the magic of it all, to my mind anyway) I stopped, initially, to capture a beautiful little stream, which I did, but the pics didn't turn out the way I imagined them, so those got scrapped. That's just how I roll.

Instead, I found a pretty little flower...

And an AH-MAZ-ING red dragon fly! (Yes, you read that correctly, this sucker was BRIGHT red!)
