On-Location, (mostly) candid photography in Fulton/Montgomery County, New York and surrounding areas.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Project 365....day 105

Last Thursday brought me the opportunity to shoot a wonderful old friend, and a fantastically talented artist; Ms. Sarah Roberts. She's preparing for a show in June, and I was lucky to get to capture not only her as she worked, but her pieces in a natural, mostly-candid environment.

As I said only moments ago in my last post, I'm horribly behind with these blog posts...I blame it on mommy brain. Somehow, after I managed to edit and get these all ready, I got them on a disk (because I have a whole separate computer for editing), and got them up on my facebook. Instead of blogging the days like I should, instead I said something along the lines of 'eh...I'll get them up tomorrow...', but alas, tomorrow came, and I erased the disk without thinking about it, so when I went to post these pictures from day 105 I found myself unable to do so w/o the 104th day of my 365 project. Finally, I got my act together, and am getting these pictures up for everyone's enjoyment.

Some bits and pieces laying around the fabulous Ms. Robert's studio!

My very favorite piece from Ms. Robert's upcoming show; "The truth will set you free."


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