On-Location, (mostly) candid photography in Fulton/Montgomery County, New York and surrounding areas.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Monday Morning Mumbles...

((Beware, I am only about half awake at this moment, so I can't promise my ramblings will make sense))

I'm only half awake here as my little human's run amuck. They're still wound from all the Easter treats/candy yesterday, I think. I swear, yeterday they each consumed more candy than they've ever had in their whole lives! Our bunnies have officially been named now; Toes' is called Cherry, and Amelia-mazing's (MALE) bunny is called "Princess Lily Sparkles".

What a wonderful day.

I am shooting with a friends daughter today; it's looking like a beautiful day for it! The sun is starting to peek out and it's already getting warm(er) out there....so excited for this; Em is totally not your typical, ordinary girl; she's original and full of color and personality, and I can't wait to try to translate that to film. :)

I have no idea what I'm going to make for dinner later....I am torn on that; yesterday my Mother-In-Law made a 12 lb. ham for 5 people (2 of them being very small children), and now I have a foil-covered-ham-mountain in my fridge. Do we work on that, or try something else today; you know, since we just had ham yesterday?

My friend Shawna is in labor (I believe) as I speak, so I'm going to have a new little human to love on pretty soon! ♥ and you'd better believe I'm PSYCHED about it! This little one has been a long time coming, and I'm going to be taking her newborn pictures. Can. Not. Wait.

Happy Monday!


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