On-Location, (mostly) candid photography in Fulton/Montgomery County, New York and surrounding areas.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Project 365....day 44

Saturday brought us Amelia's birthday party at the bowling alley! She is turning 5, so she got to invite 5 friends to come to her bowling birthday party. We all had a great time, and she was so blessed to have such great friends there with her! ♥ Once again, there are a TON of pictures, so there will be more coming, but these are my favorite moments.

The beautiful cake that Aunt Syl (Of the Fireside Restaurant) made for my sweet girl! It was an ultimate strawberry cake w/cheesecake stuffed in between layers of fresh strawberries and strawberry cake.

Amelia, Nolan and Amber doing a group hug! They were all best friends last year in Pre-school, and I am so glad they could both be there to celebrate her b-day with her. ♥

Nolan and Amelia catching up.

Amelia and her 'prince'

Amelia and Nolan perusing the music selection at the bowling alley.


.Erin Cassidy said...

Happy Birthday Amelia!!

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