On-Location, (mostly) candid photography in Fulton/Montgomery County, New York and surrounding areas.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Project 365....day 50!

50 whole days into this project! Wow! Last year I think I made it to (maybe) day 30 or 40 or so, but this is the first time in 3 years that I've been trying this to get this far! I have been having such a ball getting out there every day and shooting, and I've been learning SO much about my camera and composition, and so many other things, and really I have this challenge to thank.

Yesterday night I had to work, so I got ready super early and shot out to get my pics before work. I was hoping to catch a sunset, but alas, my plans were thwarted, and all I got was soaked and COLD! I did, however, manage to capture a BEAUTIFUL panorama of the lake before I gave up. The second location I tried worked out much better, and I have a couple of shots to share with you from yesterday's attempts. (to see the panorama, please visit my Facebook Photography Page. ♥ )

I love the way the snow sits on the top of the log, with the water just RAGING under it.

A shot of the creek from the far side of the road.



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