So, remember how I mentioned (and shared pictures of) getting my daughter a "really-real grown up camera"? Well, today she was home sick with strep (though she feels fine, she is contagious right now, and had to be kept home from school), and we decided to take a cruise and see what we could see behind our lenses. We got some really great shots, one of which was achieved by me standing on top of the snow bank with her on my shoulders (!) and we had a great time! It's such a nice twist that this photography thing gets to be a family affair! I hope you enjoy looking at today's 365 as much as we enjoyed shooting it! ♥
This is the shot Amelia helped me with. Did I mention that for a 5 year old she's an AMAZING photographer?
I was drawn to the wavy look of the ice near the bottom of this waterfall. I am so blessed to live in such a beautiful place.
Another attempt at a macro shot. I love these little tiny pinecones.
A shot of the top half of the waterfall I hiked in to today in the town of Hope.
This shot comes from a local landmark around here that recently burned down. I was drawn to the textures of the door. It's beautiful and terribly sad at the same time.
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Follow me as I document the special moments that make life worth living! I love photographing children in their natural environment and local scenery. I am willing and able to do Custom Christmas cards, Birth Announcements, and Invitations upon request.
I'm a photographer, a mother, a daughter, sister and friend. I love a bottle of good red wine and more genres of music than I could possibly name. I live on coffee, and the smiles I get from my kids. Photography is a passion.... something I could not get through the day without....on par with music, which is necessary for life.
My perfect match in nearly every way, Bobbo is truly my best friend. I love hanging out with him as much today as I did nearly ten years ago, and I feel so blessed to have such an amazing partner in crime, and a wonderful father for my humans. That's right, ladies, I have scored. Truly. He cooks, he works on cars, he baths, diapers, and rocks babies. He is truly a gem.
The Little Humans
Miss Amazing
My sweet, curious blue-eyed first born. From an early age, I was convinced that she was a super-hero, and to this day she has never ceased to amaze me, both with her thoughtful nature, and her ability to see the beauty and the good in everything. Amelia-mazing is an incredibly wonderful big sister, and loves and defends her brother with a vengeance, and I adore the bond that they have; they are truly best friends.
My handsome, determined, sweet second born son. From day one, tiny-toes was the exact opposite of his sister in every way. He has taught me that there is always more than one way to do things, (and he is determined to find every one, let me tell you!) and that you can watch a single episode of scooby-doo every day, for all the t.v. time you're allowed each day for 2 weeks without losing your mind......if it's a really good episode.
"It's not that unusual when everything is beautiful. It's just another ordinary miracle today."
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