So I honestly wasn't sure if I was going to get my pictures up today...I have officially caught the stomach bug that the rest of my family has been suffering with, but thankfully (so far) I have only been dizzy and exhausted. Because of that, I didn't get out of my house to shoot today. Instead, i relied on my favorite children!
Here is my sweet girl today coming home from school...the pic is a bit darker than I'd have liked, but you and learn...
and here she is again, after bounding off the bus going "I didn't get sick at school! See! I am healthy! Can I PLEASE have a candy snack?!" (note the crossed hands.)
Last but not least today is another shot I took from my very own front porch. This year, when we decorated the Christmas tree, we strung popcorn. Now that the holidays are over, and the tree was falling to pieces in my living room, it was time for it to the front yard, for the time being. Amelia and I decided that the least we could do was to let the birds get the popcorn before we burn the that end, here is our poor sad tree (still strung up with popcorn)
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