So day three, and so far, so good! (Trying to think positively about this project this year...I will NOT fail in 3 weeks this time!) Today's 365 entries are of my (semi) sweet little humans. <3 First is sweet little toes with his awful black eye! You can barely see it anymore (i think) but last week he fell face first into his great Gramma's kitchen table...anyway, he was waiting up for me with sweet smiles when I got home from work last night, very, very late, and I captured him trying to find me behind the camera (where I always seem to be hiding)

Second is another from last night. We're getting some more snow here in the cold, fridgid North, and I couldn't help but go out and freeze my fingers off for this shot. I love the way the trees look in the winter.

Then last, but certainly not sweet girl. <3 She and I made muffins this morning, and she was SO proud of them (all I got to do was crack the egg and take them out of the oven...I've got my own little Betty Crocker/Donna Reed in the making!)
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