So yesterday I didn't manage my time very well, and for the first time since the new year, I did not manage to get my blog up. I spent the whole afternoon out taking pictures, then I worked all night, and honestly? When I got home at almost midnight, and had to be back in less than 12 hours later, the last thing I wanted to do was edit my pictures. So....rather than just throw something together, I decided to wait until today to do the edits. Here you are, a day late, but my 365 photos for the 30th.
Yesterday, the whole fam took a cruise with me out to Canada Lake to capture the beautiful, sunny, and FREEZING afternoon! ♥
This one is a lucky accident; I had to change my batteries, so then I had to re-set my manual settings....I didn't realize this until after this shot.
"Sittin' on the dock of the bay..."
A beautiful panoramic of Canada Lake
A beautiful shot of the island in Canada Lake
A beautiful shot of the setting sun through the trees.
Today's project 365 found me chasing a sunset that was looking to be AMAZING...alas, when I finally caught up to it in a place I might have been able to get pics of it going down, it was snowing too hard to see! (doh!) Because of that fact, we'll have to make due with the pics I DID get. ♥
These first two are of the beautiful and blinding sun coming through the trees.
The fiery clouds
A random neat shot of one of the natural springs that has been piped out for drinking water.
On my way back home....the sun was all but gone by then...
The moon *this pic was taken JUST after the above shot*
Today I was out and about taking pictures, as I am every day, and on my way home I came across this train's another car from the FJ&G Railroad. (You can see those pictures on day 13 of my Project 365) This one is located in Northville, right off of Rt. 30, so without further adu, I give you some more trains for Liam ♥
Today's project 365 is an exciting one for me! My husband got out of work earlier than I'd expected today, so as soon as I finished watching Days of our Lives (go ahead, laugh at me) I took off, in search of 'the bridge'. I have been looking for a covered bridge for a few weeks now, and my friend Dave mentioned that there is one right across the street from his house. After checking out a map to make sure I knew where I was going, I set off!
First...a little history lesson; In 1828 Arad and his brother Leonard moved to the Town of Edinburgh, purchasing Ely Beecher’s sawmill and carriage factory located along Beecher Creek. Arad had 35 acres across Beecher Creek where he had garden and pasture land. An open bridge below the house gave access to this acreage until it was destroyed by melting spring snow and ice. In 1879 he then decided to build the covered bridge that still stands today. According to family legend local residents Melzor Manning laid the stones, Jacob Latcher hewed the timbers and Azariah Ellithorpe Jr. framed the bridge. For the complete history, go here: History of the Copeland Covered Bridge
A long shot of the Copeland Covered Bridge
After I captured that shot, I climbed/slid my way down to the bottom of the rocks to get a different angle on the ice and the wintering plants.
The wild, flowing water of the Beecher Creek!
One of the last shots I took before I headed back home....from the top of the hill...I loved the look of the fence.
On my way home I detoured to take a few pictures for my friend Jani's son. ♥ he loves Trains, and while that will be it's whole own post, here is a pretty cool final shot for the day. I am curious to see what you all think this might be...
Today was a much better day for me, photography-wise. I got out and got a chance to shoot the bridge I've been trying to get to since last week! The pictures of the actual bridge didn't turn out at ALL like I thought they would, but I did wind up with some really beautiful pictures of the random plants down near the creek. I love winter foliage! ♥
On that note, here are my 365's today.....the beautiful plants near the Cayudetta
Today was a rain-soaked day here in upstate NY, and I didn't make it out of my house until it was far too dark to take any pics outside...instead, we stayed inside and I had a portrait session with one of my favorite little subjects; the little girl I babysit for! ♥
So today was another busy work day for me...while I was working, my fam. was out sleigh riding! When they got home after all that fun and hot cocoa at Gramma Mavis' house, there was time for a little beautification! ♥ I got home just in time to capture my little beauty queen. ♥
Today I had to work all morning/early afternoon, so as SOON as I was done, I was out like a bat out of hell toward the town of Hope to get my pictures taken. I didn't have as much light as I'd have liked, but I will take what I can get on days like today. Here are today's pictures; some scenic shots of the Sacandaga River. ♥ I live in the most beautiful place in the country!
Today I set out in search of a waterfall that is located about 30 minutes (give or take) from me, way out in the town of Hope. I was able to find the water fall, and it was BEAUTIFUL (and Icy!) I also lucked out in a few different without further ado, here are today's 365's....a selected few from the beautiful outdoors!
On my way north, I couldn't pass up the chance to stop and shoot this farm. This is where I get pumpkins with my little human every fall.
Then it was on to the main to Hamilton County in search of a waterfall!
Once I was done there, my plans were to head home....the deer, however, had different plans for me! As I was coming over the hill, all I could see were white tails! I stopped for a (long) minute, and took another 2 or so rolls of film, and got to see a beautiful Momma and her 3 babies feed, and run, and play and enjoy this beautiful, warm winter day! <3
This first shot is one of the beautiful little fawns. ♥
Today I had a shoot to help out my cousin who coaches the bowling team at one of the local high schools around here. Being a wonderful cousin, and always excited to help out where I can, I went on down to shoot their senior day stuff for the high school year book! While I was there, I couldn't resist messing around with my own camera some (because as a surprise, I got to use the school's camera!) Most of what I shot today involves other people's kids, so I'm not using any of those....instead, I give you (what I call) Retro-bowling shots. Enjoy!
Follow me as I document the special moments that make life worth living! I love photographing children in their natural environment and local scenery. I am willing and able to do Custom Christmas cards, Birth Announcements, and Invitations upon request.
I'm a photographer, a mother, a daughter, sister and friend. I love a bottle of good red wine and more genres of music than I could possibly name. I live on coffee, and the smiles I get from my kids. Photography is a passion.... something I could not get through the day without....on par with music, which is necessary for life.
My perfect match in nearly every way, Bobbo is truly my best friend. I love hanging out with him as much today as I did nearly ten years ago, and I feel so blessed to have such an amazing partner in crime, and a wonderful father for my humans. That's right, ladies, I have scored. Truly. He cooks, he works on cars, he baths, diapers, and rocks babies. He is truly a gem.
The Little Humans
Miss Amazing
My sweet, curious blue-eyed first born. From an early age, I was convinced that she was a super-hero, and to this day she has never ceased to amaze me, both with her thoughtful nature, and her ability to see the beauty and the good in everything. Amelia-mazing is an incredibly wonderful big sister, and loves and defends her brother with a vengeance, and I adore the bond that they have; they are truly best friends.
My handsome, determined, sweet second born son. From day one, tiny-toes was the exact opposite of his sister in every way. He has taught me that there is always more than one way to do things, (and he is determined to find every one, let me tell you!) and that you can watch a single episode of scooby-doo every day, for all the t.v. time you're allowed each day for 2 weeks without losing your mind......if it's a really good episode.
"It's not that unusual when everything is beautiful. It's just another ordinary miracle today."