Yesterday was a beautiful day. I got the chance to take a ride, and since I had been with my friend Shelby the day before, I was feeling inspired....she was so full of 'you should ride out towards Canjo, the farms and the hills, and the old barns and farm equipment, etc. etc. etc.' I was totally sold. So, I headed out on this beautiful, bright sunny day out through the Valley and through the Amish farm country. Let me tell you, it was so beautiful. The sun was shining, and the sky was BRIGHT blue, and the clouds were puffy and perfect...just the most BEAUTIFUL spring I ride out for a while, and I pass this farm field with hay stacks, rather than bales of hay, or rolls of hay, and I decided shortly there after to turn around and go back so I could pull over and catch this shot. It was perfect.
So, I pulled over. And my car immediately sunk in the mud. And when I say sunk, I mean sunk. Buried. The entire right side of my car stuck down in about 8 inches of mud and cow shit. Let me tell you. I was thrilled. I had no cellphone reception, and was SO worried about having to walk to a house and use the phone and call my husband and listen to him laugh at me. Instead, luck was on my side! Within about 3 minutes of me being stuck, two very nice, very attractive guys stopped to see if they could help me. They tried, and failed (as I had predicted) to push me out, and within about 5 more minutes, an amazingly helpful, wonderful farmer stopped to come to my rescue! An honest to god knight in shining.....pick-up truck. Long story longer, he pulled me up and out of the mud, and I was able to slink off on my way. However, I never did get my shot of that field.
So anyway, here are the bits and pieces I was able to capture on my adventures yesterday! Enjoy!

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