On-Location, (mostly) candid photography in Fulton/Montgomery County, New York and surrounding areas.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Project 365....day 66

So I have no real excuse for yesterday, so I'll just say it plain; I'm a lazy-ass slacker. There, I've said it. I wasn't feeling like doing anything by the time I finally got home last night. My husband spent the day throwing up, and then once I got home from work, the little humans and I went to dinner at my dad's house, and didn't get home until bedtime. Once they were settled, and the husband had been checked on, I was feeling burnt out, and frankly, I couldn't coax my lazy butt off the couch to even retrieve the wireless mouse and keyboard. Instead, I sat around and watched the Academy Awards, and ate some potato chips, and spent a very, very uncomfortable night on the couch to avoid whatever it was that the husband caught. Because of my lame-o excuses, once again I'm playing catch up, so here are yesterday's 365 pictures. I hope you love them!! ♥

This church in Fishhouse, NY is roughly 200 years old. The oldest graves in the adjoining graveyard is from the 1840's, which leads me to believe that the church was built at least a few years before then.

And as a bonus, here is a second edit I did of this same picture; I just could not pick a favorite.

More practice at hitting the wind-blown target with my macro shots!


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