Today was another rainy day, but my daffodils are loving it, and you know what they say' "April showers bring May flowers!" Anyway, since it was a cruddy day out, and everything was dripping wet, and I feared for my camera, I decided to, instead, stay indoors and see what I couldn't pull off. I'm pretty happy with the results, but what do YOU think?
I did not love this picture initially, but once I changed it to a b/w image, all that changed. Now, I can not get enough of it....
Another macro b/w of the roses that currently brighten up my dining room.
Another capture that just caught my eye as I was picking images to edit tonight. I love how this image is both dark and vivid all at the same time.
So yesterday, once again, I was kinda lazy. Well, really, I guess that's not entirely true. I was just lazy as far as updating my 365's goes....I did, however, post some more of my shoot with Amelia-mazing at the beach last weekend. Ahem. are my pictures from yesterday, day 88 in my year-long photographic journey (pretty long winded way to say my 365's, huh?)
My goofy husband showing off his newest project; the hutch for the baby bunnies our little humans are getting for Easter!
I hope you never lose your sense of wonder/ You get your fill to eat but always keep that hunger/ May you never take one single breath for granted./ God forbid love ever leave you empty handed..
I hope you still feel small when you stand beside the ocean./ Whenever one door closes, I hope one more opens./ Promise me that you'll give faith a fighting chance,/ And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance. I hope you dance...
I hope you never fear those mountains in the distance,/ Never settle for the path of least resistance./ Livin' might mean takin' chances, but they're worth takin',/ Lovin' might be a mistake but it's worth makin',
Don't let some hell bent heart leave you bitter,/ When you come close to sellin' out reconsider./ Give the heavens above more than just a passing glance,/ And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
I hope you still feel small when you stand beside the ocean,/ Whenever one door closes I hope one more opens./ Promise me that you'll give faith a fighting chance,/ And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance.
This week's challenge at I ♥ faces is "Dramatic Black and White", and if you have a daughter, you're well aware just how much drama they bring into your life! Mine is 5 years old, and most likely a super-hero(!) She is always full of drama, and getting her to play model for me is usually a huge struggle. The other day I finally begged and pleaded enough to get her to agree, and promised a fun location to boot! Off we went to the beach, where she cooperated for about 3 minutes, then wanted to run and play and throw rocks. Now, I love that part of her, but I had a very specific vision in mind for this shoot...needless to say I only partially captured it. I'm sure you'll all agree that just the look on my Amelia-mazing's face makes this picture 'moody', but I also love all the different shades of gray in this image, and the way her face is shadowed by the hat.
Please click the button below to see more AMAZING "Dramatic Black and Whites" at I ♥ faces!
Today was a gray day here in the great North East...gloomy and threatening rain all day long. Since I had to work most of the day, that wasn't such a big deal, but I'd been hoping for a miracle, and that the sun would magically come out when I got out of work (big fat NOPE on that one, let me tell you) Instead, I made the best of what was around....
A bare, lonely little tree at the edge of a pond in Johnstown, NY
Today I didn't have to be at work until 5 o'clock, and it was a beautiful looking, bright sunny day. It's been a while since I've used my kids as models, so today I begged and pleaded with my girl-child to please, please, please be my model, and when she finally went 'oh, alriiiiight.', I jumped on it, and promised a fun location for the shoot; the beach! Off we went, and enjoyed every bit of the afternoon throwing rocks into the water.
My beautiful girl dancin' down the path at me.
Getting her hands in the water for the first time this year.
Both of my little humans throwing rocks into the water.
So once again, it's the weekend, and things are very, very hectic for me this weekend. Friday I had a chance to shoot a wide variety of subjects, but I did not get a chance to even get them on the computer last night! Thus, here I am playing catch-up as Sunday morning quickly approaches. Without further ado, here are my 365's for Friday; day 85!
Water dripping from a rock somewhere near the middle of a giant waterfall just outside of Mohawk, NY
After I'd gotten my fill of the waterfall, I drove back through Fonda, NY and stumbled across a farm where I captured the next few images.
This barn was falling down around this poor dump truck!
Once I finished there, it was off through Bleeker, to Nate's house to capture his pup Bongo.
Yesterday I had to work in the morning, and my sweet little toes was not feeling well at ALL, so I wasn't entirely sure I was going to have time to even get out and shoot yesterday. Thankfully, I was able to make my escape when my husband came home to take over w/the kids for a while so I could get out and shoot. By the time I made it out, it was late in the afternoon, and had started raining, but I'm still thrilled with the outcome. Here are my 365's for day 84!
The first of many shots of the train tracks in Fonda, NY
A beautiful farm I passed on my way out Rt. 5 yesterday.
Today's shooting took me from my own back yard, all the way to Hamilton County; to the small town of Wells, NY. for some beautiful springy scenery! Happy Spring!!
A beautiful macro capture of one of the crocuses in my garden.
Another macro capture of some wild mushrooms growing on a fallen tree in Wells, NY
Now, I'm not entirely sure what sort of bird inhabits this nest, but one thing is for certain; it's enormous!
And by toes, I do not mean the ones on your feet! Today my sweet little Toes was actually enthusiastic about me 'cheesing' him. ♥ He saw me packing up my camera to get outside and shoot for a while, and he immediately ran to his dad and told him "You lift me up, she'll cheese us!" Since his standard response to my camera is something along the lines of 'Don't cheese me momma!' with his arms crossed, and the mad face and everything, I took this chance while I could get it! Without further adu, here is my sweet boy seeing, hearing, and speaking no evil! ♥
So, finally, for once I'm on time with my (supposedly) daily posts! Shocker, right?! Anyway, today I didn't have much time, and it was another terribly dreary day, which the plants need, but I do not. So, since I didn't have much time while I was out, I chose to stick inside the city are the pictures I managed to grab today on the grounds of a historical church in Johnstown, NY.
First, a sweet shot of my blue eyed baby before she left for school today. ♥
More proof that spring is here! A tulip just beginning to sprout up!
A macro-capture of some cherries rotting on the trees. They'll be falling soon, and this tree will be beautiful with blooms!
Another macro-capture of some unidentified berries on the bush.
The top tower of the church mentioned above in Johnstown, N.Y.
I've been asking myself this question for the past couple of days, all the while trying to catch my kids with a natural smile on their faces. (Yeah, right!) Anyway, as I searched and searched through my lens for a great angle, I finally realized that maybe I was going about this the wrong way. Maybe what I needed most was a still model that I could move around. With that in mind, I give you the guy my son calls the 'Bouncy Dragon' every time we pass. Now, I'm not entirely sure that he doesn't have a name of his own, but I am so intrigued by him. *And it's not just him....there are many, many amazing creations by this sculptor, all from what most would consider 'trash'. I'm guessing that this guy is soddered together from wheel-springs and a plethora of other 'found' objects.*
All that said, here is my entry for this week's theme at I ♥ faces; "Focusing on Angles"
To see other amazing entries please visit I ♥ faces by clicking on the camera below!
So, yesterday was SUPPOSED to be a big fun day for me. Woah, boy was I wrong! Ok, so to start the day off; it was just gross and gray and rainy. Then, about twenty minutes before I was supposed to leave to pick up my friend Matt and his beautiful girl for our shoot yesterday, (it was going to happen, despite the inclement weather) he calls and tells me that his daughter is unexpectedly busy. (Much to HIS surprise as well!) So, with that out the window, we got a chance to hang out for a while anyway while I drove around and got yesterday's are Monday's 365' 81!
A beautiful shot of the water in Mayfield, NY
Another angle on that same shot...
When all was said and done, and I finally got home, this is how I found my boy waiting for me...
So, here I am playing catch up after another busy weekend! Yesterday I got Friday and Saturday's pictures up, and now I'm here to back-to-back post Sunday and then Today's pictures! (Woah, right?) Anyway...yesterday I worked all day long, and to say it was slow would be a ginormous understatement. As it was, I got to sit in the sun, and hang out and play some darts, and generally have a really nice, relaxing Sunday with some of my favorite people! Then, it was off to grab my pictures for the day (in case the ones I took at work didn't work) I'm happy to report that there are pics from both the restaurant, AND the sunset yesterday! Here are my 365's for Sunday, day 80!
There is always a table waiting for you at The Fireside!
The sun was so beautiful coming through the clouds yesterday evening!
A beautiful landscape of the sun streaming through the clouds.
I just could not resist the way the sky was reflected on the little bit of open water there is in Canada Lake already.
And, last but not least, A portrait-style shot of the sky Sunday night. I love the wide range of colors in this shot.
Follow me as I document the special moments that make life worth living! I love photographing children in their natural environment and local scenery. I am willing and able to do Custom Christmas cards, Birth Announcements, and Invitations upon request.
I'm a photographer, a mother, a daughter, sister and friend. I love a bottle of good red wine and more genres of music than I could possibly name. I live on coffee, and the smiles I get from my kids. Photography is a passion.... something I could not get through the day without....on par with music, which is necessary for life.
My perfect match in nearly every way, Bobbo is truly my best friend. I love hanging out with him as much today as I did nearly ten years ago, and I feel so blessed to have such an amazing partner in crime, and a wonderful father for my humans. That's right, ladies, I have scored. Truly. He cooks, he works on cars, he baths, diapers, and rocks babies. He is truly a gem.
The Little Humans
Miss Amazing
My sweet, curious blue-eyed first born. From an early age, I was convinced that she was a super-hero, and to this day she has never ceased to amaze me, both with her thoughtful nature, and her ability to see the beauty and the good in everything. Amelia-mazing is an incredibly wonderful big sister, and loves and defends her brother with a vengeance, and I adore the bond that they have; they are truly best friends.
My handsome, determined, sweet second born son. From day one, tiny-toes was the exact opposite of his sister in every way. He has taught me that there is always more than one way to do things, (and he is determined to find every one, let me tell you!) and that you can watch a single episode of scooby-doo every day, for all the t.v. time you're allowed each day for 2 weeks without losing your mind......if it's a really good episode.
"It's not that unusual when everything is beautiful. It's just another ordinary miracle today."