It's hard to believe that three years ago, at just about this time, I was leaving my first born little human with my momma to head off to the hospital for a non-stress test....
I didn't really think anything of it, and I was sure that I'd be home in no time without a baby. Instead, an hour later I had to call my mom and tell her and the big-sister-to-be the exciting news; we were having a baby TODAY!!! They took me off to a delivery room, where they hooked me up to a monitor, and some pitocin (though I swore there would be no drugs involved...I did manage to do this whole labor thing for a second time with NO PAIN MEDS!)
Thomas Lennon entered the world at 1:21 pm on June 30th. Amelia-mazing was the first person to get to hold this new little life, and the look on her face when she saw him was so full of wonder that I could barely hold all the joy that filled my heart. From that day on, she has been his champion, and he hers. Exactly as it should be.
We've made it through three whole years with him now, and I am so proud to say that he is a truly thoughtful, kind, and loving little man. He loves to play the drums, and is more like his daddy than I can say ( ♥ ). They share a love for trying to see how things work, and taking them apart only to find they have no idea how to put said object back together. (heheehe) His joy for seeing, and doing, and trying is contagious, and his laughter can fill a room.
With a love for punk rock music, and scooby doo, little Thomas-toes has truly made our family complete. He was the missing piece of our puzzle, and I am truly blessed to have such an amazing son. ♥

Happy Birthday, Thomas Lennon. I love you more than I could say....may you have many more happy years filled with Rancid, and digging in the dirt, and trying to figure out the 'why' of it all! ♥
i love you,