This week at I ♥ faces, the theme is 'yellow'. I don't know about you, but when I think 'yellow' I think bright, sunshiny days, and lots of happy smiles....with that in mind, my entry this week is one of the best parts of summer; the very first swim. Friday was a beautiful, warm day, and once my mom got home from work, the kids and I made tracks to her house, and most importantly; her pond! Here is my sweet, bright girl, enjoying both the beautiful hot day, and the beautiful cool water.
For more amazing, fun, yellow photos, please click on the link below:
Day 132. My kids were out with my inlaws for dinner. The husband and I took a ride up and around Caroga and Canada Lake...on the way up toward Canada Lake we came up on a golf cart. The husband immediately began complaining about golf carts, etc. etc. Until, that is, we made it up close enough to this man that we could see the signs on his golf cart. Now, we applaud him standing for what he believes. Regardless of our own opinions.
Day 131. I've decided that less is more here, so I'll be mostly just including my pictures from here on out. That is the part of this that always holds me up, you see. I have my pictures ready, but then I try to write up a little paragraph, and I get stuck, and then my blog sits here, for days, untouched. And that makes me sad. So, no more pressure on me to write. I will let my photos speak for themselves a little more.
Remember a few months ago, when I posted a maternity sneak-peek? Well, that beautiful Momma-to-be had a beautiful, perfect little girl! ♥ Baby B. is just the sweetest thing, and I have to say, I've known her father forever and I never, EVER thought that he'd make such a pretty little girl! Here, for your viewing pleasure, are some of the highlights of my newborn shoot with sweet little B. She never slept, but the dark eyes really added to these portraits.
Day 130 of my 3.6.5. project found me with nearly the same weather we had a full month ago at this time! It has been freezing and windy as all get-out the last couple of days! We even had snow on the ground on Saturday, and flurries yesterday for Mothers Day! Seems more like November outside than May, but I guess in upstate NY you take what you can get...Anyway. Regardless of the wind and the chilly temperatures to begin with, the sky was beautiful and blue with the prettiest fluffy white clouds today. A beautiful day for photography!
A macro capture of what's left of the dandelions after they go to seed. They almost look like really, really tall, thin trees. So pretty.
Another capture of the same subject, this time edited in black and white. I can't seem to get enough of the dandelions these days!
Saturday saw me sicky. (boo!) Thankfully, my amazing husband took my little humans outside and let them paint on the side of the house! He even made them pallets! ♥ He's so amazing!
Friday was a pretty great day for me. A friend of mine who now lives in England came home to visit, and she made her way out here Friday night for some pizza, and a MUCH needed visit! ♥ Before she came out, I got a chance to get out and capture some amazing macro-shots.
First, some wild strawberry flowers.
Then, some flowers I can not name, but I really thought were beautiful!
Thursday brought me a VERY full plate for the day! I had the little humans all day, then work in the evening, and somewhere in there, I managed to squeeze in the rest of the editing I needed to do from my shoot on Thursday! (It makes me tired all over again just thinking about it!) my 3.6.5's for the day are just little bits of our beautiful, sunny afternoon!
My sweet Toes is READY to play ball!
Amelia-mazing, on the other hand, wanted nothing to do with it. She was WAY too busy on her bike!
Day 124 was this past Tuesday. I had an amazing shoot with the daughter of a girl I used to play sports with in middle school. Little K. was amazing to shoot. She was so sweet, and full of energy, and just LOVED having her picture taken. Since this is my 365 blog though, I figured I couldn't use pictures that I will later use on my portrait post. Instead, I found some beautiful vegetation.
Monday night was a fun one around here! After we'd finished our awesome dinner, we took the kids for a walk/bike ride to get ice cream for the first time this year! (One of my favorite bits of every summer is the first trip to the ice cream shop, and I'm sure it's one of your favorites too!) On the walk there, I couldn't resist these beautiful bleeding hearts. (One of my FAVORITE flowers!)
"Once upon a time I was fallin' in love, now I'm only fallin' apart...
....nothin' I can do, a total eclipse of the heart."
Sunday, Sunday, Sunday! ahhh, but I digress. Again, I didn't have to work until the afternoon, and once again, it was a BEAUTIFUL day around these parts. On this particular day we decided to go take advantage my my momma's beautiful (huge) yard. (and I got to spend some time with my momma, of course. ♥ )
Toes was very serious about his yard work, as you can see.
Then he spent some time playin' with his Dad on the swings!
Then, just for fun, another shot at the macro-dandelion thing.
Follow me as I document the special moments that make life worth living! I love photographing children in their natural environment and local scenery. I am willing and able to do Custom Christmas cards, Birth Announcements, and Invitations upon request.
I'm a photographer, a mother, a daughter, sister and friend. I love a bottle of good red wine and more genres of music than I could possibly name. I live on coffee, and the smiles I get from my kids. Photography is a passion.... something I could not get through the day without....on par with music, which is necessary for life.
My perfect match in nearly every way, Bobbo is truly my best friend. I love hanging out with him as much today as I did nearly ten years ago, and I feel so blessed to have such an amazing partner in crime, and a wonderful father for my humans. That's right, ladies, I have scored. Truly. He cooks, he works on cars, he baths, diapers, and rocks babies. He is truly a gem.
The Little Humans
Miss Amazing
My sweet, curious blue-eyed first born. From an early age, I was convinced that she was a super-hero, and to this day she has never ceased to amaze me, both with her thoughtful nature, and her ability to see the beauty and the good in everything. Amelia-mazing is an incredibly wonderful big sister, and loves and defends her brother with a vengeance, and I adore the bond that they have; they are truly best friends.
My handsome, determined, sweet second born son. From day one, tiny-toes was the exact opposite of his sister in every way. He has taught me that there is always more than one way to do things, (and he is determined to find every one, let me tell you!) and that you can watch a single episode of scooby-doo every day, for all the t.v. time you're allowed each day for 2 weeks without losing your mind......if it's a really good episode.
"It's not that unusual when everything is beautiful. It's just another ordinary miracle today."